Jennifer Young Therapeutic Oncology Massage 2 Day Course
A two day course discovering how to deliver and adapt massage safely for anyone with cancer, from diagnosis to treatment and recovery
Gain a basic understanding of the biology of cancer, its treatments, side-effects and associated conditions and the ways in which these alter practice
List the evidence-based benefits of touch treatments for those living with and beyond cancer
Gain an appreciation of the main cancer treatments as well as the more recent advances in treatment and, more importantly, understand how these impact the work of a therapist
Be shown how to conduct a non-invasive, largely visual consultation which gives practitioners all of the information needed in order to adapt this specialist massage to the needs of their client.
Be given a full body massage routine which covers, back, legs, arms, upper chest, head, scalp and neck
Learn how to adapt the routine so that it is appropriate for the needs of each individual client
Identify local contraindications and learn how to manage them
Appreciate the need for proper record keeping
Be shown the ways in which practitioners can empower clients by their words and actions
Practice various communication techniques and identify those to which different clients will respond best
Identify the times at which it is not appropriate to offer a massage
Learn how to get medical consent, should, you, as a qualified oncology massage practitioner, decide it is needed
Look after their needs as a therapist alongside the needs of the client