If you can't find the answer you're looking for below, please call us on 01442 291333 and we will be happy to help.
The College has a Compliments, Comments, Complaints and Appeals Policy. Students will be provided with copies of these during their induction. You can download our Compliments, Comments, Complaints and Appeals Policy here
The College has an attendance policy. Students will be provided with copies of these during their induction. You can download our attendance policy here
The College has a Course Fee & Refund Policy. You can download our Course Fee & Refund Policy here
The College has an a Data Protection Policy. Students will be provided with copies of these during their induction. You can download our Data Protection Policy here
The College has an a Disciplinary Policy . Students will be provided with copies of these during their induction. You can download our Disciplinary Policy here
The College Enrolment Terms. Students will be provided with copies of these during their enrolment. You can download the Enrolment Terms here
The College has a Equal Opportunities Policy. Students will be provided with copies of these during their induction. You can download our Equal Opportunities Policy here
The College has an E-Safety Policy . Students will be provided with copies of these during their induction. You can download our E-Safety Policy here
The College has an a Health & Safety Policy. Students will be provided with copies of these during their induction. You can download our Health & Safety Policy here
The College has a Mental Health Policy. Students will be provided with copies of these during their induction. You can download our Mental Health Policy here
The College has a Plagiarism Policy. Students will be provided with copies of these during their induction. You can download our Plagiarism Policy here
The College has a Student Code. Students will be provided with copies of this on enrolment. You can download our Stydent Code here